The Mindset Of A High-Performance Shop Owner

Presented By: Maverick Shop Owner - Ron Ipach

Length of Class: 2 Hours


What would your life be like if you had UNSTOPPABLE SELF-CONFIDENCE? How much more could you accomplish? What would your income be like? What would you change about your life? How much more influence would you have with your employees and in the world around you? How much better about yourself would you feel if you could eliminate all of that procrastination that comes from second-guessing everything and finally break free from whatever holds you back from moving forward as quickly as you would like? Together we’ll uncover those hidden negative habits that have been sabotaging your success and show you how to replace them with the right habits, daily rituals, and actions that will help you achieve higher goals this year.

SPECIAL NOTE: If you’ve ever heard Ron speak before, you know that this will not be a woo-woo, join-hands-and-sing-Kumbaya kind of presentation. Nope. This will be a no-holds-barred, tell-it-like-it-is journey through exactly what it takes to achieve more in your life, be more persuasive, and be a better leader, father, mother, and partner.

The Instructor: Ron Ipach

For 20 years, Ron has helped over 5500 auto repair shop owners to get and keep all the top quality customers they can handle. Marketing auto repair services is all he does. He lives, eats, and breathes it every day. He has seen, heard, and tested practically every kind of marketing there is out there today. He’s examined the results. He’s tweaked and tested dozens of strategies over and over in order to maximize their results. He finds passion in amplifying time & freedom for his clients while helping them take back control of their businesses.